Creating a sustainable blog..? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Over the years, I have used various cloud providers to host my kiddy versions of my websites/blogs. However due to my lack of continuity, those faded away. If I take a closer look as to why those didn't exist quite long, these facts include,
- Drop of Motivation
- Issues with the web hosting
- Forgetting passwords to deploy changes
- Focusing on the appearance rather than content
- Constantly changing between various CMS.
Fast forward to today, I realised that the best way to maintain my blog is to host it on Github pages. So, without any running cost I'm able to commit my changes through Github.
Internal Architecture:\\

For this blog I'm using Ghost as the content management system. I love its minimal design. I could have used medium for blogging purposes too. However, since I can customize ghost according to my needs, I started using it
"Ghost is a fully open source, hackable platform for building and running a modern online publication."
So, I have deployed an instance of ghost locally, whenever I need to publish, static pages are generated and those are pushed to my Github repository. :D

And I'm using LaTeX for math formatting, some useful sites include

In summary the tools I've used,
Ghost - A fully open source, powerful platform for building and running modern publications, we power serious blogs, magazines and journalism from DuckDuckGo to OpenAI & Sky News.
Ghost-static-site-generator - Brute force static site generator for Ghost.
Github Pages - GitHub Pages is a web hosting service offered by GitHub for hosting static web pages for GitHub users.
ImageOptim - To compress images before publishing.
Note that this method is recommended to those who have a basic understanding of HTML, Python, CSS and Git.
If you need more help/information on how to get started, let me know below.